PTA News / Meetings

St Mary's Lotto

Our 2023-2024 winners

Winter term

1st prize         £95.67           Shinali McCusker

2nd Prize        £57.40           Kaye Southam

3rd Prize         £38.27          Peggy MacSweeney


There’s still time for you to join our St Mary’s Lotto! Our lotto has 3 draws across the year and costs just £25 to enter. You can join as many times as you’d like via your Parentpay account. The more people that join, the bigger the prizes! You can also enter on behalf of your friends and family.

What we achieved last year

Thank you to everyone in our school community for your ongoing support, volunteering, donations and enthusiasm. You’ve helped us to raise an astonishing £34,406 in 2022-2023.

The money raised has enabled the PTA to pay for Chrome Books which all the children have opportunities to raise, special educational needs (SEN) support and social sacks as well as funding our favourite school crossing patroller, Mrs Alison Durling. We have also helped the school with classroom budgets and maintenance costs for the school minibus.




PTA Newsletters

Updated: 23/05/2024 184 KB
Updated: 26/02/2024 229 KB
Updated: 05/02/2024 229 KB
Updated: 20/12/2023 162 KB
Updated: 05/02/2024 151 KB
Updated: 11/10/2023 156 KB