SEND at St. Mary’s

Intent Statement

At St. Mary’s our intention for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – SEND is that all children irrespective of their need or disability receive a high quality and ambitious eduction. We believe that ALL our pupils should be equipped with the tools they need to beome independent, inquisitive learners who are able to solve problems and are equiped for the nest stage of their education and beyond.

Rational and our learning sequence

St. Mary’s is committed to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with special educational needs. There is a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, should be offered inclusive teaching, which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. It is our intention that through our curriculum and our approach to teaching and learning that all children including those with SEND have the “knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life” (The Education Inspection Framework May 2019). We believe that where best practice meets the needs of disadvantaged children and those with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities it is best practice for all. Our curriculum has been designed to be ambitious, to challenge and to meet the needs of ALL our pupils.

St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school and may offer the following range of provision to support children with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, mental and emotional health problems or sensory or physical needs. We aim to support the following needs: specific learning difficulties (SPLD), moderate learning difficulties (MLD), speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH); Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA); vision impairment (VI); hearing impairment (HI); and physical disabilities (PD).

The range of support deployed will be tailored to individual need following thorough assessment by internal or external agencies. It is designed to promote pupils working towards becoming independent and resilient learners and should not be seen in isolation.

At St. Mary’s every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Inclusion is at the heart of our school ethos and is enhanced by the collaboration of all stakeholders: Governors, SLT, teachers, support staff and parents all of whom hold the child at the centre of all that we do.

Full details can be found in the SEND Information Report.

SEND Provision